Visitors 722
483 photos

There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer ........ Ansel Adams.

I love photography. It is my passion. My love of photography focuses on the world around me in all of its various forms, including, but not limited to, landscapes, night photography, cityscapes and wildlife. As I go through my daily routine I find myself constantly framing everything I see for the perfect shot. The challenge of getting the perfect shot inspires me every time I grab my gear and head out for a photo-shoot. When I am finished with a shoot and on my way home I am like a kid before Christmas, eagerly anticipating what photo gems I may have stored in my camera.

On this website you can view the portfolio of my best images and learn a little more about me and how I see the world. I hope to get my blog started soon and it is here that I will talk about anything photography related. Most of the content will be of my photo shoots and the challenges I came across and how to resolve them. I will include information that may be helpful to those of you interested in photography. It will be a place where I can get your input also. Please leave a comment in my guestbook. I value your input. Come back often!

You can purchase or license my work by sending me an email. I will respond quickly to your request and discuss with you the details of providing you the image you desire. All my work is signed.

Thank you for looking at the portfolio of my work and please email me if you have any questions. My most recent images are in a gallery named, appropriately, “Recent Images”. The images in this gallery will be changed regularly after being added to their targeted albums. Please check back often!

Wayne S. Collamore

Guestbook for Wayne Collamore Photography
Very nice Wayne ... love the sea-scapes
Paul McDermott(non-registered)
Wow really wonderful images...I'm jealous
Mike O'Connor(non-registered)
Great web site Wayne. Fantastic images
Ann Marie Manamon(non-registered)
Wayne - You are truly gifted. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.
Dawna Moore(non-registered)
Wayne is extremely talented! I moved from MA to OH and was feeling a little sentimental. I looked at the photographs he took of Boston and fell in love with quite a few, so I bought a couple prints (for now). The prices were very reasonable! They arrived today (quicker than expected) in great shape. I am so happy with the quality! I would highly recommend Wayne's work, as well, he is great to work with!

Thanks Wayne!
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